By: Team T10-1      Since: Aug 2019      Licence: MIT

1. Preface

This is the Developer Guide to Jarvis, a productivity manager tool designed for NUS students who want to consolidate their schedule, tasks, finances and modules in one place. The link to the GitHub repository can be found here.

2. Setting up

Refer to the guide here.

3. Design

3.1. Architecture: High-Level View

The architecture diagram below explains the high-level design of Jarvis.

Figure 1. Architecture Diagram

Main has three classes called Main, MainApp, and AppParameters

They are responsible for:

  1. On launch of Jarvis

    Initialises all components (Ui, Logic, Storage, etc) in the correct sequence and establishes the relevant links between each component.

  2. On exit of Jarvis

    Shuts down all components and invokes any clean-up methods where necessary.

The rest of Jarvis consists of another four components:

Component Remarks


Handles all UI logic in the application


Handles all parsing and execution of commands ' that operates on Model.


Handles all reading and updating of runtime data within Jarvis.


Handles all reading and writing of Jarvis' data, from and to the hard-disk.

Each of the four components

  • Defines its API in an interface with the same name as its corresponding component.

  • Exposes its functionality using a {ComponentName}Manager concrete class.

For example, the Logic component defines its API using an interface Logic. Logic is then implemented by the LogicManager concrete class, which exposes its functionality to the rest of the application.

3.1.1. Architecture: Interactions between Components

The sequence diagram below shows how the components interact with each other for the scenario where the user issues the command delete-cca 1.

Figure 2. Component interactions for delete-cca 1 command

The sections below give more details of each component.

3.2. UI component

The UI component defines the user-viewable part of the application. It consists of a MainWindow made up of parts, such as the StatusBarFooter, CommandBox and HelpWindow. Each individual feature of Jarvis inherits from the View class, which in turn inherits from the abstract class UiPart. Every other non-feature related part inherits from the abstract class UiPart. Shown below is the structure of the UI component.

Figure 3. Structure of the UI Component

The Ui component uses the JavaFX UI framework. The layout of every part is defined in matching .fxml files found in /src/main/resources/view. For example, the layout of MainWindow is specified in MainWindow.fxml.

The UI has the following functionality:

  • Takes in user input from the GUI, and using it in tandem with Logic to create the relevant commands.

  • Executes the constructed commands using Logic.

  • Listens for changes to Model so that the UI can be updated with the modified data.

Links : [API] [Package]

3.3. Logic component

The Logic component is the "brains" of Jarvis. While the Ui defines the GUI and Model defines in-memory data, the Logic component does most of the heavy-lifting in terms of deciding what to change within the Model and what to return to the Ui. The diagram below shows the structure of the Logic component.

Figure 4. Structure of the Logic Component

The diagram above shows how the Logic component interacts with its internal parts.

  1. Once a user input is obtained from the GUI, Logic uses JarvisParser to parse to command to return a Command object.

  2. The Command is executed by LogicManager.

  3. Depending on the command created, it may mutate the Model, such as adding a new task or course.

  4. The result of the command execution is encapsulated as a CommandResult that is returned to Ui.

  5. These CommandResults can instruct the Ui to perform certain actions, such as switching tabs between the various views, and displaying help or error messages to the user.

Shown below is the Sequence Diagram within the Logic component for the API call: execute("add-course c/CS1010").

Figure 5. Interactions Inside the Logic Component for the add-course c/CS1010 Command

The original caller to LogicManager, in the context of Jarvis, is the Ui component.

Links : [API] [Package]

3.4. Model component

The Model API is responsible for interacting with the data in Jarvis including the various aspects such as user’s preferences, command history, finance management, cca information, courses and schedule information. The Model API also acts as a facade that handles interaction with the data of Jarvis.

Below is a class diagram involving the Model interface, which inherits from the feature specific model interfaces.

Figure 6. Model Interface

The Model component,

  • Stores a UserPref object that represents the user’s preferences

  • Stores the HistoryManager data

  • Stores the FinanceTracker data

  • Stores the CcaTracker Data

  • Stores the CoursePlanner Data

  • Stores the Planner data

The concrete class ModelManager implements Model and manages the data for Jarvis. ModelManager contains UserPrefs, HistoryManager, CcaTracker, CoursePlanner, FinanceTracker and Planner. These classes manages the data related to their specific features.

Below is a class diagram for ModelManager.

Figure 7. ModelManager class

Each feature has a class managing the data related to that feature as mentioned earlier.

Below are the class diagrams of these classes.

Figure 8. UserPrefs
Figure 9. HistoryManager
Figure 10. CcaTracker
Figure 11. CoursePlanner
Figure 12. FinanceTracker
Figure 13. Planner

Links : [API] [Package]

3.5. Storage component

The Storage API is responsible for reading and writing data in json format. This allows the application is remember information in json format when the user closes the application. The Storage API acts as a facade that handles interaction regarding storage related components.

Below is a class diagram involving the Storage interface, which inherits from feature specific storage interfaces.

Figure 14. Storage Interface

The Storage component,

  • can save UserPref objects in json format and read it back.

  • can save HistoryManager, FinanceTracker, CcaTracker, CoursePlanner and Planner data in json format and read it back.

The concrete class StorageManager implements Storage and manages the storage for UserPrefs, FinanceTracker, CcaTracker, CoursePlanner, Planner and HistoryManager.

Below is a class diagram of StorageManager.

Figure 15. StorageManager class

Each feature of Jarvis is able to save its information to local storage in JSON format, by adapting each feature component into JsonSerializable{Component Name} class.

Below are the class diagrams for these adapted classes.

Figure 16. JsonSerializableHistoryManager
Figure 17. JsonSerializableCcaTracker
Figure 18. JsonSerializableCoursePlanner
Figure 19. JsonSerializableFinanceTracker
Figure 20. JsonSerializablePlanner

Links : [API] [Package]

3.6. Commons Component

The commons package represents a set of common classes and utilities used by the multiple components throughout Jarvis.

Some examples are:

  • JsonUtil

    A class for formatting, reading and writing of .json files, heavily used by the Storage component.

  • Messages

    A class that stores generic messages (i.e not specific to a particular feature) to be displayed to the user throughout the application.

  • LogsCenter

    A class used by many classes for writing and displaying log messages in Jarvis log file.

Links : [Package]

4. Implementation

This section describes some noteworthy details on how certain features are implemented.

4.1. Planner Feature

4.1.1. Overview

The planner feature in Jarvis enables users to easily organise and manage their different tasks in school. Users will be able to keep track of tasks they have done, tasks they have yet to do, and sort these tasks by different attributes like task type and priority levels.

There are three types of tasks in the planner:

  • Todo: Tasks with a description only

  • Event: Tasks with a start and end date

  • Deadline: Tasks with a due date

Users can Tag these tasks to sort them into different categories, as well as add Priority and Frequency levels to them.

4.1.2. Implementation

The Planner contains a TaskList, which in turn, contains a number of tasks a user has. Each task has a TaskType and Status and may also have a Priority level, Frequency level and any number of Tag objects.

A simple outline of the Planner can be seen below, in Figure 26.

Figure 21. Overview of the entire Planner

The Model in Jarvis extends PlannerModel which facilitates all operations necessary to carry out commands by the user.

  • Model#getPlanner() — Returns an instance of a Planner.

  • Model#addTask(int zeroBasedIndex, Task task — Adds a Task to the planner at the specified Index.

  • Model#addTask(Task t) — Adds a Task to the Planner. Since no Index is specified, the Task is appended to the end of the TaskList.

  • Model#deleteTask(Index index) — Deletes the Task at the specified Index from the Planner.

  • Model#deleteTask(Task t) — Deletes the specified Task from the Planner.

  • Model#size() — Returns the total number of Task objects in the Planner.

  • Model#hasTask(Task t) — Checks if a given Task is already in the Planner.

  • Model#markTaskAsDone(Index i) - Changes the Status of a Task at the given Index from DONE to NOT_DONE

  • Model#getTasks() — Returns the TaskList in the Planner.

  • Model#getTask(Index index) - Retrieves the Task at the specified Index of the TaskList

  • Model#updateFilteredTaskList(Predicate<Task> predicate) - Updates the FilteredList in the Planner according to the given Predicate.

  • Model#updateSchedule() - Updates the FilteredList of Task objects whose dates coincide with the current date.

  • Model#getUnfilteredTaskList() - Returns an ObservableList<Task> of all the Task objects in the Planner.

  • Model#getFilteredTaskList() - Returns an ObservableList<Task> of all the Task objects in the FilteredList.

  • Model#getTasksToday() - Returns an unmodifiable view of the list of Task objects that coincide with the current day, backed by the FilteredList of Planner

  • Model#getTasksThisWeek() - Returns an unmodifiable view of the list of Task objects that coincide with the current week, backed by the FilteredList of Planner.

One example of the interaction between the Model and commands for the Planner can be seen when the user executes a pull-task command.

Figure 22. Sequence Diagram for pull-task command

In the figure above, pull-task will result in the filtered lists in the Planner to be updated according to the appropriate predicates. In this case, the predicate called will be TaskPredicateMatchesPredicate as the user had specified a pull-task according to the Priority levels of the Task objects.

4.1.3. Design Considerations

Aspect: Task Descriptions in a Task
  • Option 1: As a string attribute in Task

    • Pros: Intuitive, easy to implement, less code required

    • Cons: Provides a lower level of abstraction, especially if an edit-task command is implemented

  • Option 2: Building a separate TaskDescription class

    • Pros: Higher level of abstraction

    • Cons: More code, will take time to replace current methods that deal with String TaskDes directly

Ultimately, we decided on Option 1 as there are no limitations on what a description of a Task should be (other than not null). Further more, there is no manipulation of the Task Description at the current stage of Jarvis, hence there is no real need to provide an additional layer of abstraction for it. If we do intend to continue developing Jarvis in the future, however, Option 2 might be a viable choice.

4.2. Finance Tracker Feature

4.2.1. Overview

The Finance Tracker feature allows the user to track their

  1. Purchases

  2. Monthly subscriptions (aka Installments)

  3. Total & remaining spending

The feature offers the user to view his purchases and installments in two separate lists, as well as be able to add, delete, find, edit these items. Furthermore, the feature keeps track of the overall spending by the user for the month, and if the user has set a limit, the feature tracks their remaining available spending.

4.2.2. The Finance Tracker Model

The FinanceTracker class within the model provides an interface between the components of the feature and the updating of the overall model. Like other features, Model is associated with the finance tracker feature by implementing FinanceTrackerModel, from which Model implements.

Some of the more significant methods within the FinanceTracker are shown below:

  • Model#addPurchase(Purchase) - Adds a single use payment to the top of the list

  • Model#deletePurchase(Index) - Deletes single use payment at that index

  • Model#addInstallment(Installment) - Adds an installment

  • Model#deleteInstallment(Index) - Deletes installment at that index

  • Model#hasSimilarInstallment(Installment) - Checks for the existence of an installment with the same description in the finance tracker

  • Model#setInstallment(Installment, Installment) - Replaces an existing installment with a new installment

  • Model#calculateTotalSpending() - Calculates the total expenditure by the user for this month

  • Model#calculateRemainingAmount() - Calculates the remaining spending amount available to user

The Finance Tracker feature closely follows the extendable OOP solution already implemented within AB3. In the Finance Tracker, the Installment objects and the Purchase objects manage most aspects related to this feature. These objects are stored in their respective ObservableList - InstallmentList and PurchaseList, which provide an abstraction with add, delete, and set operations that are called by FinanceTracker and its model.

Shown below is the class diagram for the Finance Tracker.

Figure 23. Finance Tracker Class Diagram

4.2.3. Finance Tracker Components

As mentioned above, the Finance Tracker contains Installment and Purchase objects.


Installments are monthly subscriptions added by the user to the Finance Tracker and are stored in an InstallmentList. The current codebase requires that all installments must have the following non-nullable attributes:

  • InstallmentDescription

  • InstallmentMoneyPaid


Purchases are single use payments added by the user to the Finance Tracker and are stored in a PurchaseList. The current codebase requires that all purchases must have the following non-nullable attributes:

  • PurchaseDescription

  • PurchaseMoneySpent

4.2.4. Feature Details

The application should be able to add and delete both types of objects. Furthermore, it should be able to find specific purchases and allow editing of installments by their index in the InstallmentList.

We will be focusing on the editing of installments.

Editing an installment

The user has to specify the index of the installment he wishes to edit, as well as any of the fields he wishes to change. If the index does not exist, the system will inform the user of the error. As long as the fields provided by the user to be edited are valid (prefixed with "d/" and "a/"), the correct installment will be accurately edited. This is reflected in the Activity Diagram below.

An index is considered invalid if the numerical value provided is less than or equal to zero, or greater than the largest index in InstallmentList.
Figure 24. Activity Diagram for edit-install command

4.2.5. Command Execution

For brevity’s sake, we will illustrate only 2 specific commands and its executions on model. These two commands are the edit-install and the delete-paid commands.

Command edit-install

The following sequence diagram illustrates how an Installment is edited when a user types in a edit-install command:

Step 1. The user launches the application for the first time. The FinanceTracker is initialized. Assume that a valid Installment has already been added to the InstallmentList in FinanceTracker.

Step 2. The user executes edit-install 1 d/student-price Spotify subscription a/7.50 command to edit both the description and money spent on the existing Installment in the FinanceTracker. An EditInstallmentCommandParser object is created and its #parse method is called. The parse method returns a new EditInstallmentCommand object.

Step 3. The EditInstallmentCommand object is executed on the model. The EditInstallmentCommand#execute method is called, and this will create a new Installment object from the existing installment but with all the edited fields changed. In this method, Model#setInstallment(Installment, Installment) method is called.

The EditInstallmentCommand#execute method first checks for whether the index is within the size of InstallmentList.

Step 4. As mentioned in section 2, the methods in Model merely mirrors the methods in the FinanceTracker class. As such, the FinanceTracker#setInstallment(Installment, Installment) method is called. This in turns calls the #InstallmentList#setInstallment(Installment, Installment) method.

Step 5. This InstallmentList#setInstallment(Installment, Installment) method first finds the Installment based on its corresponding index. Then, it sets the edited installment at the index found earlier.

TLDR: The calling of the #setInstallment method at the Model level triggers a cascading series of #setInstallment method which culminates in target installment being edited with the corresponding fields.
Figure 25. Sequence Diagram for edit-install command
Command delete-paid

The following sequence diagram illustrates how a Purchase is deleted when a user types in a delete-paid command:

Step 1. The user launches the application for the first time. The FinanceTracker is initialized. Assume that a valid Purchase has already been added to the PurchaseList in FinanceTracker.

Step 2. The user executes delete-paid 1 command to delete an existing Purchase in the FinanceTracker. An RemovePaidCommandParser object is created and its #parse method is called. The parse method returns a new RemovePaidCommand object.

Step 3. The RemovePaidCommand object is executed on the model. The RemovePaidCommand#execute method is called. In this method, Model#deletePurchase(Index) method is called.

The RemovePaidCommand#execute method first checks for whether the index is within the size of PurchaseList.

Step 4. As mentioned in section 2, the methods in Model merely mirrors the methods in the FinanceTracker class. As such, the FinanceTracker#deletePurchase(Index) method is called. This in turns calls the`#PurchaseList#deletePurchase(Index)` method.

Step 5. This PurchaseList#deletePurchase(Index) method will then delete the corresponding purchase at the given index.

Figure 26. Sequence Diagram for delete-paid command

4.2.6. Design Considerations

There were several design choices that we had to consider for the implementation of the Finance Tracker feature.

Encapsulation of fields for Installment and Purchase objects.

Given that the Installment objects and the Purchase objects manage most aspects related to the Finance Tracker feature, we had to consider how to properly build the objects and the fields within them. This was a decision that was made after much thinking as we had already begun implementing the skeleton of the feature.

Below are our considerations in refactoring the implementation at that point in time:

  • Option 1: Encapsulate constituent objects in their own wrapper classes

    As mentioned above, Installment would contain InstallmentDescription and InstallmentMoneyPaid objects while Purchase would contain PurchaseDescription and PurchaseMoneySpent objects.

    This would increase OOP, which would provide a clearer modular structure to hide implementation details. Furthermore, this would also allow the objects to be re-used as they are more extensible, which is something we had to consider for subsequent features.

    In further development of our application, increasing OOP would also allow developers to maintain the application more easily and hopefully aid in quicker development since the code is easier to read and maintain.

    However, as we had already begun implementing some basic methods, making this decision resulted in a steep increase in code as everything had to abstracted into separate classes.

  • Option 2: Using primitive data types

    On one hand, our team thought that since the Installment and Purchase objects were not extremely complex, we could go without further encapsulation. Furthermore, this would have been the easier alternative at the time as it was the original implementation.

    However, we decided that in the long-term vision of the application to continue to be developed, we should increase OOP as much as possible.

Our Thoughts

In general, our decision was based primarily on following good software engineering principles and providing the ability to allow for better understanding and maintenance of our code base in the future. Thus, we went with the first option.

4.3. CcaTracker Feature

4.3.1. Overview

The application is able to track Ccas. Each user can have multiple Ccas and each Cca can have multiple equipments needed. In addition, the application is able to track the progress of each person in their Ccas. Hence, there is a need to represent the CcaTracker as a list of Ccas on which the application can perform create, read, update and delete operations on each Cca.

4.3.2. The CcaTracker Model

The CcaTracker class within the model provides an interface between the components of the feature and the updating of the overall model. Like other features, Model is associated with the cca tracker feature by implementing CcaTrackerModel, from which Model implements.

Some of the more significant methods within the CcaTracker are shown below:

  • Model#containsCca(Cca cca) — Checks if the CcaTracker contains the given cca.

  • Model#addCca(Cca cca) — Adds a Cca to the CcaTracker.

  • Model#removeCca(Cca cca) — Removes a Cca from the CcaTracker.

  • Model#updateCca(Cca toBeUpdatedCca, Cca updatedCca) — Updates a Cca in the CcaTracker.

  • Model#getCcaTracker() — Gets the CcaTracker instance.

  • Model#getNumberOfCcas() — Returns the number of Ccas currently in the CcaTracker.

  • Model#getCca(Index index) — Gets the Cca instance by its index in the CcaTracker.

  • Model#updateFilteredCcaList(Predicate<Cca> predicate) — Updates the FilteredCcaList by passing it a predicate.

  • Model#getFilteredCcaList() — Returns an instance of the FilteredCcaList

  • Model#addProgress(Cca targetCca, CcaProgressList toAddCcaProgressList) - Adds CcaProgressList to the target Cca.

  • Model#increaseProgress(Index index) — Increases the progress of the Cca

4.3.3. Cca Tracker components

The class diagram for CcaTrackerModel is shown below:

Figure 27. CcaTracker Class Diagram

As seen in the diagram above, The CcaTracker consists primarily of a single CcaList object. This CcaList object is essentially a wrapper around an ObservableList of Cca objects. Do note that the CcaList object can contain any number of Cca objects (including none).

More interestingly, each Cca is made up of the following components, all of which are non-nullable attributes:


Each CcaName is essentially just a wrapper class around a string that is the Cca 's name.


Each CcaType is also just a wrapper class around a string that is the Cca 's type. Note that each CcaType is restricted to 1 of the 4 enum types:

  • sport

  • performingArt

  • uniformedGroup

  • club


Each EquipmentList is implemented as an ObservableList of Equipment objects. Note that each EquipmentList can contain any number of Equipment objects (including none).


The CcaProgress is a little more noteworthy. Each CcaProgress object contains a CcaMilestoneList object and a CcaCurrentProgress object. As with all the lists in the CcaTracker feature, the CcaMilestoneList object is implemented using an ObservableList as well. The CcaCurrentProgress class is merely a wrapper around an integer that tracks the exact CcaMilestone that the user is currently at.

Now that we have an understanding of the underlying implementation of CcaTracker, lets take a closer look at the feature details.

4.3.4. Feature details

CcaTracker has 7 specific commands that support the given operations to mutate the state of the Model. Each command is represented as seperate class:

  • AddCcaCommand — Adds a Cca to the CcaTracker.

  • DeleteCcaCommand — Deletes a Cca from the CcaTracker.

  • EditCcaCommand — Edits the selected Cca in the CcaTracker.

  • FindCcaCommand — Finds a Cca from the CcaTracker based on the keywords specified .

  • ListCcaCommand — Lists all the Cca from the CcaTracker.

  • AddProgressCommand — Adds a progress tracker to a cca.

  • IncreaseProgressCommand — Increments the progress level of a cca.

For brevity’s sake, we will illustrate only 1 specific command and its execution on model.

The following activity diagram illustrates how a Cca 's progress is incremented when a user types in an increase-progress command:

Increasing a cca’s progress
Figure 28. Activity Diagram for increase-progress command

Firstly, before any increasing of progress can take place, the user has to add a Cca to the CcaTracker through the add-cca command. The user then has to add a CcaMilestoneList to the CcaTracker through the add-progress command.

Note that the execution of each command as stated above branches off into different scenarios, all of which present themselves to the user in form of prompts in the user interface.

4.3.5. Command Execution

The diagram below shows the sequence diagram of the increase-progress mechanism. Note that some classnames and methods had to be split into multiple lines due to image size constraints.

Figure 29. Sequence diagram for increase-progress command

Given below is an example usage scenario of how the increase-progress mechanism behaves.

Step 1. The user launches the application for the first time. The CcaTracker is initialized. Assume that a Cca has already been added to the Cca and that a progress tracker has already been set for that Cca.

Step 2. The user executes increase-progress 1 command to increment the progress of the 1st Cca in the CcaTracker. A IncreaseProgressCommandParser object is created and its #parse method is called. The parse method returns a new IncreaseProgressCommand object.

Step 3. The IncreaseProgressCommand object is then executed on model. The IncreaseProgressCommand#execute method is called and in this method, the Model#increaseProgress method is called.

The IncreaseProgressCommand#execute method first checks for whether the index is within the size of CcaList.

Step 4. As mentioned in section 2, the methods in Model merely mirrors the methods in the CcaTracker class. As such, the CcaTracker#increaseProgress method is called. This in turn calls the CcaList#increaseProgress method. This method first finds the Cca based on its corresponding index. Then, it calls the Cca#increaseProgress method.

Step 5. This in turn calls the CcaProgress#increaseProgress method that calls CcaCurrentProgress#increaseProgress method. At long last, the final #increaseProgress method in the CcaCurrentProgress instance is called and the currentProgress counter is incremented by 1.

In short, the calling of the #increaseProgress method at the CcaTracker level triggers a cascading series of #increaseProgress methods which culminates in the currentProgress variable being incremented by 1.

4.3.6. Design Considerations

Aspect: Whether to have subclasses for each type of cca.
  • Option 1: Instantiate a CcaProgress object for each Cca This entails implementing CcaProgess class as consisting of a CcaMilestoneList and a CcaCurrentProgess. The

    • Pros: Less code needed.

    • Cons: Less extensible as CcaProgress is now limited to what is essentially a list of strings.

  • Option 2: Implement CcaProgress as a parent class. This entails creating classes such as SportProgress/PerformingArtsProgress that extend from CcaProgress for each type of Cca.

    • Pros: Easier to extend functionality for each type of cca.

    • Cons: Does not significantly extend functionality for this version of Jarvis.

      Such an implementation can be represented using the class diagram below

Figure 30. Class diagram showing the alternative implementation of CcaProgress.
Our Thoughts

After much consideration, we have decided to implement CcaProgress as per option 1. This is because we wish to afford the user the flexibility to set whichever milestones they wish to in their Cca.

Option 2 would entail hardcoding a certain type of CcaMilestone for each type of CcaProgress. For example, each UniformedGroupProgress might have included a series of CcaMilestoneRanks, where the user can set each CcaMilestoneRanks to be ranks such as Private, Lance Corporal, Corporal, Sergeant etc. Then, the UniformedGroupProgress could have individualised attributes such as types of awards etc.

However, in light of the fact that Jarvis is a CLI application, it would have been extremely cumbersome for the user to type the myriad number of options.

Aspect: Whether to use observable list for CcaProgressList
  • Option 1 : Implement CcaProgressList as an ObservableList

    • Pros: Easier to manipulate for JavaFx.

    • Cons: Potentially complicated nesting when passing arguments to it as CcaProgressList is nested several classes within Cca.

  • Option 2: Implement CcaProgressList as a normal List e.g. ArrayList.

    • Pros: Does not require predicates to be passed in.

    • Cons: Might be more complicated when rendering in Javafx.

Our Thoughts

Implementing the CcaProgressList as an ArrayList would have been an easier option. However, the implementation of the CcaProgressList as an ObservableList proved to be a wiser choice as Javafx fully supports the manipulation and rendering of an ObservableList. Using an ArrayList would have made the building of the ui thoroughly cumbersome.

4.4. Course Planner Feature

4.4.1. Overview

The Course Planner feature allows the user to track what courses they

  1. Have taken

  2. Are taking, and

  3. Want to take

The feature offers updated information on courses offered by NUS, along with convenient add, delete and check operations on the user’s course list.

4.4.2. The Course Planner Model

The CoursePlanner class within the model provides an interface between the components of the feature and the updating of the overall model. Like other features, Model is associated with the course planner feature via implementing CoursePlannerModel, from which Model implements.

Some of the more interesting methods (i.e not simple accessor and mutator methods) within CoursePlanner are shown below:

  • Model#addCourse(Course) - Adds a course to the user’s list

  • Model#deleteCourse(Course) - Deletes the course from the user’s list

  • Model#lookUpCourse(Course) - Looks up information about the given course

  • Model#checkCourse(Course) - Checks if the user can take this course

  • Model#hasCourse(Course) - Checks if the given course exists in the user’s list

The list of courses of the user is stored internally using a UniqueCourseList object, providing an abstraction with add and delete operations that are called by CoursePlanner and its model.

The text that is displayed to the user within the UI showing information about the Course Planner is abstracted within the course text display. This is a simple class that uses Observable to track changes to it as the program runs. The class abstracts some operations on this string such as setting, getting, printing to a displayable form, etc.

Shown below is the Class diagram for the Course Planner.

Figure 31. Course Model Class Diagram

Every Course has a few non-nullable attributes - Title, CourseCode, CourseCredit, Faculty and Description. The other three (PrereqTree, Preclusion and FulfillRequirements) are not required to exist as it depends on the course’s data.

4.4.3. Design Considerations

As explained above, the CoursePlanner is implemented by Model and follows much of the extendable OOP solution implemented within Jarvis that is common to the other features.

This section will discuss about the individual components that were created for this feature, the alternative Software Engineering design choices for each one, and our thought process of the eventual choices made for each component.

Course Datasets

Course datasets are taken directly from the NUSMods API. These datasets are stored using the .json file format on NUSMod’s API. Since Jarvis already heavily uses the Jackson JSON API, we have opted to store all course data within Jarvis in their original form. Therefore, all data is read directly from .json files.

NUSMods is a popular website officially affiliated with NUS, where students are able to look up information about courses and plan their school timetable. This makes its dataset a reliable source of course information.

Each course, and their data, are given its own file. These files are laid out in /modinfo within /resources to be easily accessible by the program.

A sample, valid AB1234.json is given below for a fictional course AB1234.

    "courseCode": "AB1234",
    "courseCredit": "4",
    "description": "Course description for AB1234.",
    "faculty": "A Faculty in NUS",
    "fulfillRequirements": [ "AB2234" ],
    "preclusion": "AB1231, AB1232",
    "prereqTree": {
        "and": [
                "or": [
    "title": "Course AB1234's title"

As explained above, certain attributes of a Course are non-nullable. This choice was made due to the actual course datasets -

This also means that every semester, all datasets must be pre-processed before being deployed into the application. It is quite simple to create a script to do the pre-processing, and is such a good trade-off as opposed to manually checking every field when pulling data from a course file.

Storing of Course Datasets

A decision we had to make concerned the way we would store the data to be referenced on runtime. Considering the multiple options, two stood out as being the most feasible within Jarvis.

  • Option 1: Storing every course in a single, large JSON file

    This makes file handling easier to manage. Every course can be found in single file and the code need not deal with many FileNotFoundException or IOException upon lookup, as the file is guaranteed to exist.

    The trade-off is that a large file will be difficult to view for a developer. It will also have slow performance as the entire file would have to be processed to look up one course.

    The developer may also:

    1. Store the whole file in a buffer for faster lookup, but this may be time-consuming and troublesome to implement, especially due to the memory consumption, or:

    2. Process the whole file and create all Course objects upon start-up. However, due to the large number of course files (11000+), this may also have significant memory overhead.

  • Option 2: Storing each course as its own file

    This allows for fast lookup as the contents of all 11000+ course files of data do not need to be scanned directly. Fast string concatenation of file paths directly to the relevant .json file can be used instead.

    Unfortunately, this also makes the data-set difficult to manage. If we want to modify the data-set in any way, a script will have to be written to process every file in the data-set. Additionally, every lookup must deal with file-related exceptions.

Our Thoughts

We decided to go with Option 2, as once the files were downloaded and processed, there was no need to modify them any further. Processing, or loading inside a buffer, of very large text files are likely to significantly hamper performance for little benefit. Manual lookup information about a specific course during development is also much easier with such a method.

And-Or Tree

The AndOrTree<R> is a tree data structure served by the util/andor package that provides an abstraction for processing the prerequisite tree. The prerequisite tree (henceforth referred to as prereqTree) is an attribute of a Course that is available in the NUSMod’s course data-set, the data comes in the form of a String and will be covered shortly.

Before covering the tree itself, it would be helpful to cover its building blocks.

The AndOrNode Class

Each node in the tree of type R is represented by an AndOrNode<R>. Every node has a List<AndOrNode<R>>, to be used in checking the truth condition of the tree, and every node is either an AndNode, OrNode or DataNode node. This determines the conditional used to check the truth condition of a node.

The truth condition of a node is determined using the method: boolean fulfills(Collection<R>). This checks the truth condition of the node based on the following predicates:

  1. The node is an AndNode

    Any subset of elements in Collection<R> must match all children of this node.

  2. The node is an OrNode

    Any element in Collection<R> must match at least one of the children of this node.

  3. The node is a DataNode

    Any element in Collection<R> must match the data stored in this node.

So, an AndNode<String> with children {"1", "2", "3"} will match true against a collection of {"1", "2", "3", "4"} and false against a collection of {"2", "3"}.

Node Creation

The following class diagram demonstrates the structure of the abstract class AndOrNode and its sub-classes.

Figure 32. AndOrNode Inheritance Diagram

Using this format, a static method of the form AndOrNode#createNode(T,String) is able to construct all instances of its sub-class, thus the caller will not need to know of the different type of nodes.

The AndOrTree Class

The following are public methods in AndOrTree.

  • buildTree(String, Function<String, ? extends R>)

    Builds a tree from the given jsonString. Function is a mapper that processes a String and returns a value of type R, where R is the type of data stored by each node in the tree.

  • fulfills(Collection<R>)

    Checks if the given Collection of type R fulfills the condition specified by this tree. AndOrNode has its own corresponding fulfill that checks its children or data against Collection.

Due to the arbitrary ordering of the tree, insert() and delete() operations commonly found in implementations of ordered trees are difficult to implement. Instead, the tree is fully created upon the call to buildTree() and is then enforced to be immutable once built. This is reflected in the class' lack of mutator methods.

Building of the AndOrTree

As mentioned above, we use the prereqTree attribute in order to build the tree. An example of a processable json string is as such:

"prereqTree": {
    "and": [
            "or": [

This can be read as:

To take AB1234, you require...
 └ all of
   ├── one of
   |   ├─ "CD1111"
   |   └─ "XY2222"
   └─ "EF3333"

This means that to take the fictional course AB1234, a user would have to complete EF3333, and either CD1111 or XY2222.

The buildTree() method takes in the json string as an input. The Jackson API uses this string to create a root JsonNode object, and the tree is built recursively from the root. The sequence diagram of the tree building process is shown below:

ryanytan AndOrSequenceDiagramSimplified
Figure 33. buildTree() Sequence Diagram

The class looks at each node - checks if its is an Object, Array or a String, and does the appropriate actions and function calls.

Other ways of building the tree can be easily extended by overloading the buildTree method. However, this will not override the immutable properties of the tree.

Dependency on Course

AndOrTree posed some difficulty for us, in the decision to couple the implementation of AndOrTree with Course. This is because the tree will only ever be used by the Course Planner within the program, and thus it is not required to implement the tree using generics. However, this would increase coupling between AndOrTree and Course, which is unfavourable for testing.

Below are our considerations in implementing this data structure:

  • Option 1: Couple AndOrTree to Course

    This means that there is no need to pass any mapper function into the buildTree() method as the class does not need to know how to map from String to R. This also makes handling mapping exceptions easier as they can be handled directly by Course instead of by AndOrTree.

    However, this increases coupling between the tree and Course, resulting in the correctness of the AndOrTree class being dependent on Course as there is no way to stub it. The tree will also only be locked to Course and is non-extendable.

  • Option 2: Using Generics

    This makes the tree reusable in the future. The tree will also be able to store any data-type which allows for easier unit testing, since it won’t be dependent on the correctness of Course. Instead well-tested libraries such as Java’s String API can be used to test the class instead.

    However, due to how the tree is built (i.e from a json string), a mapper function must be passed into the buildTree() method to process the string in each node to the generic type of the tree. The function is of the type Function<String, ? extends R>, for a tree of type R.

Our Thoughts

Due to its benefits far outweighing its disadvantages, we picked the second choice of using generics. While extendability and re-usability of the class is a nice bonus, the decrease in coupling and increase in testability was the deciding factor in choosing between these two approaches. Furthermore, behavior of the building of the tree can be easily extended by either inheritance, or overloading of the buildTree() method.

4.4.4. Implementation

With the significant individual components covered, the process of the Course Planner can be discussed. We will be covering the check command since the rest of the commands are either simple insert and delete operations on a list, or retrieving data from a file. This command allows us to see the full extent of back-end to front-end operations on the Course Planner.

The check operation allows users to check if they are able to take a certain course. Whether the user can take the course depends on the courses in their list. The following is the activity diagram of general overview of the process when the user types a check command.

Figure 34. Check Command Activity Diagram

Additionally, the following below shows the sequence diagram of how the program checks if the user satisfies the course’s prerequisites.

ryanytan CheckCommandSequenceDiagram
Figure 35. CheckCommand Sequence Diagram

The implementation in the back-end is quite similar to the other features, as seen in the similarities between the above sequence diagram and the one under the Architecture section.

4.5. Undo / Redo Feature

This section covers in detail the undo/redo feature of Jarvis.

We will cover these main points:

  • Design Considerations

  • Feature Details

  • Implementations

  • User Scenario demonstrating undo/redo

Let’s explore how we decided to implement the undo/redo feature in the Design Considerations section below.

4.5.1. Design Considerations

There were several available behavioral design patterns that we were considering to adopt to implement our undo/redo feature in the application.

  • Command Pattern

  • Memento Pattern

These patterns are common useful patterns to enable undo/redo functions. These are also viable options as our application design allows both of these approaches to be integrated easily.

Let’s see how these adopting each of these approaches will span out in the development of the application.

Command Pattern Approach

The application already makes use of the command pattern to decouple the internal state of the application and the user action. Therefore implementing undo/redo function with the command pattern would require us to achieve the following things:

  1. Implement a class, HistoryManager to manage and store commands that have been done/undone in chronological sequence to facilitate undo and redo functions. This should be facilitated with the use of two Deque/Stack like structures. One will be fore storing the commands that have been done, while the other will be storing the commands that have been undone.

  2. Implement ways to discern amongst commands that should be added to HistoryManager, whereby undoable commands should be added, while non-undoable commands should not be added.

  3. Implement the inverse operation of commands that can be undone.

  4. Integrate HistoryManager into Model by Implementing undo and redo operations in HistoryManager to execute on the Model it is associated with and expose these operations to the Model. An undo operation will remove the latest done command and execute its inverse operation onto the Model before it is added as the latest undone command. A redo operation will remove the latest undone command and execute its normal execution on the Model before it is added as the latest done command.

  5. Implement commands, UndoCommand and RedoCommand, along with their respective parsers, UndoCommandParser and RedoCommandParser.

  6. Integrate commands and parsers into JarvisParser.

  7. Integrate logic in LogicManager to add undoable commands to HistoryManager.

  8. Implement storage for HistoryManager by implementing a JSON serializable HistoryManager along with the JSON adapted commands it stores so it can be written to a JSON file in local storage.

  9. Integrate the logic to save HistoryManager to local storage in LogicManager after the successful execution of commands.

  • Space efficient due to storing commands instead of states of the entire application. Efficient usage of RAM and local storage for the application.

  • Commands logic will be more complex as they must know how to undo its execution. Commands contain more data to retain information needed to undo its execution.

  • Complex inverse executions may be unnecessarily convoluted compared other approaches (such as the memento pattern). This involves more planning and support on the classes that commands execute on.

  • Requires implementation and testing of each command (and future commands) to enable undo/redo function with respect to that command. Development of the application will involve more overhead when integrating new commands to the application as there are more behaviour to test.

  • Development of HistoryManager scales along with commands that are added to the application. Even after HistoryManager is developed and integrated into the application, additional work is required with each command, such as supporting inverse execution and serializing the command (for local storage). This can affect development schedule and add time constraints when working with tight deadlines.

Memento Pattern Approach

The application follows a structural facade pattern, storing the data in ModelManager which implements the Model, which is an interface for commands to interact with. ModelManager manages classes that wrap their respective data. Therefore implementing undo/redo function with the command pattern would require us to achieve the following things:

  1. Implement a Version class. This class wraps the state of another class as an immutable “snapshot”.

  2. Define the interface VersionedModel that extends Model with additional methods to save its current state and to change its state. VersionedModel could be viewed as a originator class that can produce “snapshots” of its own state and update its state from “snapshots”. These “snapshots” are in wrapped in the above Version class.

  3. Let ModelManager implement VersionedModel along with its methods to allow ModelManager to produce Version objects containing its current state and to update ModelManager to a state provided by a given Version.

  4. Implement a HistoryManager class to facilitate as a caretaker class. HistoryManager will store a series of Version objects containing states of the VersionedModel in two Deque/Stack like structures. One will be to store the previous versions, while the other is to store the future versions that were undone from.

  5. Implement commands, UndoCommand and RedoCommand, along with their respective parsers, UndoCommandParser and RedoCommandParser.

  6. Update commands to take in both VersionedModel and HistoryManager as arguments in their execute methods so that undo/redo commands can get Version objects containing previous or subsequent states of VersionedModel from HistoryManager for VersionedModel to update to.

  7. Integrate commands and parsers into JarvisParser.

  8. Implement storage for HistoryManager by implementing a JSON serializable HistoryManager along with the JSON adapted Version so that it can be written to a JSON file in local storage.

  9. Integrate the logic to save HistoryManager to local storage in LogicManager after the successful executions of commands.

  • Expensive on space due to storing multiple copies of the application state. This increases the usage of RAM and local storage for the application.

  • Simple robust implementation that can be developed quickly, which can be useful for tight schedules in the development process.

  • Protects the encapsulation of private data of the application state (provided local storage data is also encrypted). This prevents violation of encapsulation of classes.

  • Development of HistoryManager scales with how the information to be remembered changes. Whenever the nature of the information to be remembered changes, the memento class Version needs to be updated along with how VersionedModel updates and saves its state. Adding new commands also do not require any changed to HistoryManager unless there are changes to the data fields to be saved in Model.

Our Thoughts

These are the following questions we asked ourselves when deciding between these two approaches

  • RAM and storage

  • Development process

  • Software design principles

RAM and storage

Since storing commands is more space efficient than storing states of the Model, the command pattern will occupy less space than the memento pattern.

Being space efficient will allow us to increase the range of undo/redo function of the application.

Considering the target user group being students, we also want to develop an application that would not consume too much RAM or local storage given students budgets and varying tiers of laptops.

Therefore regarding this aspect, we favor command pattern over the memento pattern.

Development process

The memento pattern will require us to update HistoryManager whenever the Model changes, while the command pattern will require us to implement inverse executions for each additional command.

Therefore the memento pattern would require more overhead when changing the Model of the application while the command pattern require more overhead when adding undoable commands.

Our application are subject to both of these changes such as changes to the Model and adding new commands. Therefore both patterns are similar in overhead and depends on the frequency of changes made to Model or adding new commands. We feel that both options are viable and would be feasible for our team in the development of this application.

Software Design Principles

Both patterns would involve introducing dependency between Model and HistoryManager.

The memento pattern would involve HistoryManager having a unidirectional dependency to VersionedModel while introducing HistoryManager as a dependency to Command.

The command pattern would involve HistoryManager having dependency with Model. We can choose to nest HistoryManager into Model which would increase coupling between the two classes by introducing bidirectional dependency. We may choose to introduce this coupling to prevent increasing the dependency between Command as command will just be associated with Model.

Both patterns involve HistoryManager with the responsibility of keeping track of commands/states. Single Responsibility Principle is not violated in both approaches.

Design Choice

We determined that going along with the command pattern. We want to cater this application to students whose laptops may not have generous amounts of RAM. On top of the fact that students typically use their browsers extensively, we felt that we should be mindful of RAM usage.

Comparisons between command pattern and memento pattern with respect to the development process were trivial since the Model and command sets are already planned, and future changes to Model and commands would not have any serious drawback regardless of the approach.

The section below will discuss feature details and characteristics we have considered that would influence the logic of how we implement undo/redo.

4.5.2. Feature Details

The application should be able to undo and redo changes made by commands to give the user more flexibility in their inputs. Undo and redo operations should also be undo or redo multiple commands in a command. In the event that a undo/redo command that comprises of multiple undo/redo operations fails at any point, all changes made by the command should be rolled back. This is reflected in the Activity Diagrams below.

Figure 36. Activity Diagram for undo command
Figure 37. Activity Diagram for redo command

Therefore there is a need to remember commands that change the state of the Model. Commands that just render a view without actually changing the application should not be stored as it does not make sense to undo or redo them. We will distinguish these types of commands into two categories, invertible commands and non-invertible commands.

  • Invertible commands — commands that mutate the state of the Model and should be stored for undo/redo functions.

  • Non-invertible commands — commands that do not mutate the state of the Model and should not be stored for undo/redo functions.

Undo and redo commands will be considered non-invertible commands even though they technically change the state of the Model. The reason is that they are commands facilitating the undo and redo operation, thus they should not be stored.

The following activity diagram illustrates how commands are remembered when a user types in a command:

Figure 38. Activity Diagram for how commands are remembered after their successful execution

The section below will discuss in more detail how undo/redo is implemented.

4.5.3. Implementation

The undo/redo feature mechanism is facilitated by HistoryManager. HistoryManager remembers invertible commands. These commands are stored internally in two CommandDeque objects, executedCommands and inverselyExecutedCommands. CommandDeque serve as custom Deque data structure, which stores the latest added command to the top.

An undo operation would comprise of taking the latest executed command from executedCommands, inversely executing it, and adding it to inverselyExecutedCommands. A redo operation would comprise of a taking the latest inversely executed command from inverselyExecutedCommands, executing it, and adding it to executedCommands.

Model supports operations to facilitate undo and redo capabilities by extending the HistoryModel which has the following operations:

  • Model#getHistoryManager() — Gets the HistoryManager instance.

  • Model#setHistoryManager(HistoryManager) — Resets the HistoryManager data to the given HistoryManager in the argument.

  • Model#getAvailableNumberOfExecutedCommands() — Gets the maximum available number of commands that can be undone.

  • Model#getAvailableNumberOfInverselyExecutedCommands() — Gets the maximum available number of commands that can be redone.

  • Model#canRollback() — Checks if it is possible to undo a command at the given state.

  • Model#canCommit() — Checks if it is possible to redo a command at the given state.

  • Model#rememberExecutedCommand(Command) — Remembers the given Command and stores it in executedCommands to facilitate undo capability for this command.

  • Model#rememberInverselyExecutedCommand(Command) — Remembers the given Command and stores it in inverselyExecutedCommands to facilitate redo capability for this command.

  • Model#rollback() — Inversely executes the latest command stored in executedCommands to revert the changes of the latest executed command made onto Model.

  • Model#commit() — Executes the latest undone command stored in inverselyExecutedCommands to reapply the changes that were made onto Model by the latest undone command.

Commands support the given operations to mutate the state of the Model and to check if they should be stored for undo/redo function:

  • Command#hasInverseExecution() — Checks if the command’s execution mutates the state of the Model, which is used to determine if the command should be remembered by HistoryManager.

  • Command#execute(Model) — Executes the command on the given Model.

  • Command#executeInverse(Model) — Executes on the given Model such that it will undo whatever changes were made when Command#execute(Model) was called.

Below is a class diagram between Model, ModelManager, HistoryManager, CommandDeque and Command.

Figure 39. Class Diagram for Model, ModelManager, HistoryManager, CommandDeque and Command

Undo and redo operations are executed with UndoCommand and RedoCommand These commands store an integer value referencing the number of commands to undo or redo, represented by UndoCommand#numberOfTimes and RedoCommand#numberOfTimes. The Class Diagram below shows details about UndoCommand and RedoCommand.

Figure 40. Class Diagram for UndoCommand, RedoCommand and Command

Below are two sequence diagrams of how a UndoCommand and RedoCommand executes in the program. The sequence diagrams below show the process of undo and redo of a single command for simplicity and clarity.

Below is a sequence diagram of how an UndoCommand to undo a single command executes in the program.

Figure 41. Sequence Diagram for UndoCommand (undo a single command)

Below is a sequence diagram of how a RedoCommand to redo a single command executes in the program.

Figure 42. Sequence Diagram for RedoCommand (redo a single command)

Given below is an example usage scenario of how undo/redo mechanism behaves.

4.5.4. User Scenario demonstrating undo/redo

Step 1. The user launches the application for the first time. The HistoryManager is initialized. HistoryManager#executedCommands and HistoryManager#inverselyExecutedCommands are empty.

Step 2. The user executes delete-cca 1 command to delete the 1st person in Jarvis. A DeleteCcaCommand is created and executed in LogicManager#execute(String). Since DeleteCcaCommand is an invertible command, HistoryManager stores the command, adding it to HistoryManager#executedCommands.

HistoryManager stores invertible commands, not non-invertible commands.

Step 3. The user executes add-task t/todo des/Revise CS2103T to add a new todo. A AddTaskCommand is created and executed in LogicManager#execute(String). Since AddTaskCommand is an invertible command, HistoryManager stores the command, adding it to HistoryManager#executedCommands.

If a invertible command execution fails, HistoryManager will not remember it, therefore it will not be stored for undo/redo function. Therefore, HistoryManager will be guaranteed to store only commands that have executed or inversely executed on the Model successfully.

Step 4. The user now decides that the last two commands entered was a mistake, and decides to undo those commands by executing the undo 2. A UndoCommand is created and executed in LogicManager#execute(String), where UndoCommand#numberOfTimes is 2. The command calls Model#rollback() twice. Each time Model#rollback() is called, the Model will call HistoryManager to take the latest command from HistoryManager#executedCommands and call Command#executeInverse(Model) on the Model, undoing the changes made to Model by the command when it was first executed before being stored in HistoryManager#inverselyExecutedCommands. Then the command is added to HistoryManager#inverselyExecutedCommands. After the undo 2 command execution is complete, the Model state is reverted to what it was before the two undone commands were first executed. Since UndoCommand is a non-invertible command, it is not stored by HistoryManager after its execution.

undo/redo commands can undo/redo one or more commands. To undo/redo one command, entering undo/redo is equivalent to entering undo 1/redo 1.

If an undo/redo command is given to undo/redo more commands than available, the operation will fail and no undo/redo is applied at all. This check is enforced by Model#getAvailableNumberOfExecutedCommands(), Model#getAvailableNumberOfInverselyExecutedCommands(), Model#canRollback() and Model#canCommit().

If an undo/redo command fails at any point in undoing/redoing one or more commands, all changes made during the command will be reverted and Model will be in the state that it was in before the undo/redo command was executed.

Step 5. The user decides to execute the command list-history. A ListHistoryCommand is created an executed in LogicManager#execute(String). The command calls Model#getAvailableNumberOfExecutedCommands() and Model#getAvailableNumberOfInverselyExecutedCommands(), and sends a message to the user indicating the number of commands that can be undone and the number of commands that can be redone. In this use case with reference to the previous steps, there are zero commands that can be undone and two commands that can be redone. Since ListHistoryCommand is a non-invertible command, HistoryManager will not store it after its execution.

Step 6. The user decides to redo the last command that was undone by executing a redo command by typing in the command redo. A RedoCommand is created and executed in LogicManager#execute(String) to redo the latest undo. The command will call Model#commit() once. Model will call HistoryManager to take the latest command from HistoryManager#inverselyExecutedCommands and call Command#execute(Model) on the Model, re-applying the changes that were undone. Then the command is added to HistoryManager#executedCommands. After the redo command execution is complete, the Model state is changed to when the redone command was executed. Since RedoCommand is a non-invertible command, it is not stored by HistoryManager after its execution.

Step 7. The user executes add-course c/CS2103T to add a course. A AddCourseCommand is created and executed in LogicManager#execute(String). Since `AddCourseCommand is an invertible command, it is stored in HistoryManager and the commands stored in HistoryManager#inverselyExecutedCommands is cleared. Therefore the user can still undo commands but the commands that can be redone are all cleared and will not be able to be redone.

Commands stored in HistoryManager that were undone are not cleared after executions of non-invertible commands. However, if a invertible command is executed, commands that are undone and stored in HistoryManager#inverselyExecutedCommands will be cleared. This is similar to how navigation works between pages you visit in a browser tab.

4.6. Logging

We are using java.util.logging package for logging. The LogsCenter class is used to manage the logging levels and logging destinations.

  • The logging level can be controlled using the logLevel setting in the configuration file (See Section 4.7, “Configuration”)

  • The Logger for a class can be obtained using LogsCenter.getLogger(Class) which will log messages according to the specified logging level

  • Currently log messages are output through: Console and to a .log file.

Logging Levels

  • SEVERE : Critical problem detected which may possibly cause the termination of the application

  • WARNING : Can continue, but with caution

  • INFO : Information showing the noteworthy actions by the App

  • FINE : Details that is not usually noteworthy but may be useful in debugging e.g. print the actual list instead of just its size

4.7. Configuration

Certain properties of the application can be controlled (e.g user prefs file location, logging level) through the configuration file (default: config.json).

5. Documentation

Refer to the guide here.

6. Testing

Refer to the guide here.

7. Dev Ops

Refer to the guide here.

Appendix A: Product Scope

Target user profile:

  • NUS student

  • plans his own courses

  • prefers typing over mouse input

  • can type fast

  • is reasonably comfortable using CLI apps

  • has to manage a significant number of tasks

  • has a tight budget

Value proposition: optimised for NUS students who have busy schedules and a tight budget

Appendix B: User Stories

Priorities: High (must have) - * * *, Medium (nice to have) - * *, Low (unlikely to have) - *

Priority As a(n) …​ I want to …​ So that I can…​

* * *

social student

keep track of who owes me money & how much

not have anyone owe me any money.

* * *

busy student

keep track of all the tasks I have done

work on tasks that I have yet to do.

* * *

indecisive student

roll back and forth changes that I have done

track my ever-changing schedule.

* * *

NUS student

view all the prerequisites for a specified module

plan my academic roadmap accordingly.

* *

busy student

be reminded when I am nearing a deadline

be on top of all my assignments



calculate my CAP easily

keep track of my progress in university.

Appendix C: Use Cases

(For all use cases below, the System is the Jarvis and the Actor is the user, unless specified otherwise)

Use case: Set tabs in Finance Tracker


  1. User inputs amount paid and the names of people who he paid for

  2. Jarvis calculates equal tab for all names including user

  3. Jarvis stores individual tabs for names input

  4. Jarvis prompts user that tabs have been added

  5. User requests to see list of debts owed to him

  6. Jarvis shows list of debts

    Use case ends.

Use case: Mark task in planner as done


  1. User requests to list tasks in planner

  2. Jarvis shows lists of tasks in planner

  3. User requests to mark a certain task as done

  4. Jarvis finds task and marks it as done

    Use case ends.


  • 3a. The given index is invalid.

    • 3a1. Jarvis shows an error message.

      Use case resumes at step 2.

Use case: Undo previous command


  1. User adds a project meeting into planner

  2. Jarvis adds meeting into planner

  3. User requests to undo project meeting

  4. Jarvis checks if roll back can be successfully done

  5. Jarvis finalizes the roll back changes.

    Use case ends.


  • 4a. The roll back cannot be successfully completed

    • 4a1. Jarvis shows an error message.

      Use case ends.

Use case: Check if the user can check a course


  1. User requests whether they can take a certain course.

  2. Jarvis shows whether they can take the course.

    Use case ends.


  • 2a. The given course code is invalid

    • 2a1. Jarvis shows an error message.

      Use case resumes at step 1.

Appendix D: Non Functional Requirements

  1. Jarvis should work on any mainstream OS as long as it has Java 11 or above installed.

  2. A user with above average typing speed for regular English text (i.e. not code, not system admin commands) should be able to accomplish most of the tasks faster using commands than using the mouse.

  3. Jarvis should respond within two seconds.

  4. Jarvis should be usable by a novice who has never used a command line interface.

  5. Jarvis should be able to work without any internet connection.

Appendix E: Glossary

Mainstream OS

Windows, Linux, Unix, OS-X


Command Line Interface

Invertible Commands

commands that mutate the state of the Model and should be stored for undo/redo functions.

Non-invertible commands

Commands that do not mutate the state of the Model and should not be stored for undo/redo functions.


A collection of related sets of information that is composed of separate elements but can be manipulated as a unit by a computer


A significant goal in a Cca as defined by the user.

Appendix F: Instructions for Manual Testing

Given below are instructions to test the app manually.

These instructions only provide a starting point for testers to work on; testers are expected to do more exploratory testing.

F.1. Launch and Shutdown

  1. Initial Launch

    1. Download the jar file and copy into an empty folder

    2. Double-click the jar file

      Expected: Shows the GUI with a set of sample data in every feature. The window size may not be optimal

  2. Saving Window Preferences

    1. Resize the window to an optimum size. Move the window to a different location. Close the window.

    2. Re-launch the app by double-clicking the jar file.

      Expected: The most recent window size and location is retained.

  3. Storage

    1. Launch the application and make a change that changes the state of the program, such as add-task or add-course. Close the window.

    2. Re-launch the app by double-clicking the jar file.

      Expected: The app should re-launch into the same state as when it was closed.

F.2. Deleting Data from a list

  1. Deleting a person while all persons are listed

    1. Prerequisites: List all tasks using the list-task command. Multiple tasks in the list.

    2. Test case: delete-task 1

      Expected: First task is deleted from the list. Details of the deleted contact shown in the status message.

    3. Test case: delete-task 0

      Expected: No task is deleted. Error details shown in the result display. Status bar remains the same.

    4. Other incorrect delete commands to try:

      1. delete-task

      2. delete-task x (where x is larger than the list size)

      3. delete-task y (where y is any alphanumeric character)

        Expected: Similar to previous.

F.3. Saving data

  1. Missing data files

    1. Run the app once and play around with the application. Once a change is made, the program will generate a data files in ./data/

    2. In ./data/, delete courseplanner.json.

    3. Re-launch the app.

      Expected: Default Course data should now be present in the Courses tab.

  2. Corrupted data files

    1. Run the app once and play around with the application. Once a change is made, the program will generate a data files in ./data/

    2. In ./data/, open courseplanner.json. On line 2, delete the [:

      1 {
      2   "courses" : [ {
      3 ...

      should become

      1 {
      2   "courses" : {
      3 ...
    3. Re-launch the app.

      Expected: Go to the Courses tab and the tab should not have any data. courseplanner.json still exists.